@prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . a schema:Organization . schema:name "FAME Publish" . schema:legalName "FAME Publish" . schema:alternateName "" . schema:url "https://famepublish.com/about-us/" . schema:description "FAME Publish, the renowned news and media company located in the bustling heart of New Delhi, stands as a gateway to a world brimming with captivating narratives and reports. Founded on January 20, 2020, by the visionary entrepreneur Sunil Butolia." . schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; schema:streetAddress "Mandoli" ; schema:addressLocality "Delhi" ; schema:addressRegion "Delhi" ; schema:postalCode "110093" ; schema:addressCountry "India" ] . schema:founder [ a schema:Person ; schema:name "Sunil Butolia" ; schema:url ] ; schema:parentOrganization [ a schema:Organization ; schema:name "Duloit" ; schema:url ] ; schema:logo [ a schema:ImageObject ; schema:url "http://en.famepedia.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2023/11/famepublish.png" ; schema:width "1200" ; schema:height "1200" ; schema:thumbnail "http://en.famepedia.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2023/11/famepublish-150x150.png" ] .