@prefix rdf: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix schema: . a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Mustafa Efe Unsal" ; foaf:gender "Male" ; foaf:birthDate "2004-04-30"^^xsd:date ; schema:url ; foaf:depiction ; schema:description "Mustafa Efe Ünsal, born on April 30, 2004, in Ankara, Turkey, he embarked on an educational journey that laid the foundation for his impressive career. He commenced their studies at the Turgut Özal Türkmen-Türk School in Aşkabat." ; foaf:birthPlace "Çankaya, Ankara" ; foaf:nationality , ; foaf:occupation "IT specialist" ; schema:sameAs ; schema:sameAs ; schema:sameAs ; foaf:spouse ; foaf:parent , ; foaf:sibling , .