@prefix rdf: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix schema: . a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Virat Kohli" ; foaf:gender "Male" ; foaf:birthDate "1988-11-05"^^xsd:date ; foaf:depiction ; schema:description "Virat Kohli is an Indian international cricketer and the former captain of the Indian national cricket team who plays for Royal Challengers Bangalore in the IPL and Delhi in domestic cricket." ; foaf:birthPlace "New Delhi" ; foaf:nationality "India" ; foaf:occupation "Cricketer" ; schema:sameAs ; schema:sameAs ; schema:sameAs ; schema:sameAs ; schema:sameAs ; schema:sameAs ; foaf:spouse "Anushka Sharma" .